Seeking Him

Bucky lives in our woods, he's a big dude and is being sought out by hunters with a
vengeance right now I'm all for the right to bear arms, the right to hunt and we certainly need deer control in our county. The deer demolish our plants year after year, going as far this year to walk out on our dock, eat our plants and poop on the dock. But when I stop and chat with this guy in our yard, I have a respect for him and could probably never shoot him.
         What are you seeking?
Does your life seem like a whirlwind right now? I've put away SOME pumpkins, pulled out the tree and am trying to figure out how to weave in birthday decorations for a party Thursday. Add the grocery and Christmas shopping, a calendar full of church holiday responsibilities, a prayer list that keeps growing and growing, and the need to stop and grieve the loss of a dear, dear friend and I'm truly overwhelmed.

It's not even 8 o'clock and I've shared 18 texts and numerous emails.
The only solution is to turn it all off, including the oven and spend time with Jesus.

I can't remember where the passage of writing below came from, but I had copied it and stored it on my computer or later contemplation.

"We're all seeking something.

Seeking more likes or followers.
Seeking success in our career.
Seeking high-achieving children
Seeking authentic friendships, a satisfying marriage, a life of adventure...the list is
But nothing on that endless list can truly satisfy our longing hearts."

"Let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice!
Seek the Lord and his strength; seek His presence continually.
" Psalm 105:3-4

"When we seek the Lord above everything else, we find joy, peace, purpose, and
ultimately, a revived life."
          May our seeking of the Lord, bring us what our hearts long for most.

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