ABC;s L-Love, M-Mercy, N-Nothing

Early morning screened porch snuggles at Shiloh Cousin Camp.

Father, may my grandchildren love the Lord their God with all their heart and love their neighbors as themselves. May they be found faithful to show mercy to all people and through the power of the Holy Spirit with boldness believe and live out the truth that nothing can separate them from the love of God. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen

Love-Love the Lord God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself.  Matthew 5:7

In a recent Bible study, a challenge question was posed related to the "Rules for Christian Living" in Romans 12:9-13

"Who am I living out life honoring more than myself?"  Whew. I answered, "Not nearly enough people."  My neighbors have a boat load of needs right now, but my immediate needs for "my house" are taking precedence.  I need to make time for my neighbors.  If I ask the Lord to make a way, I know He will.  I need to remember my children and grandchildren are watching.

Mercy Show mercy to all people.  Matthew 5:7

I blew it the other day. I was rushing to get home to a baby sitting gig, when a voicemail

popped up saying my new glasses were ready to be picked up. I was right at the stop light by the optical shop, so I called home and said I was going to scurry in and do this.  This shop still requires that a mask be worn and the one I'd picked up in the car happened to be a toddler's Mickey Mouse mask.  I knew they would have masks in the doctor's office side of this shop.  A man was at the check in counter, but I stuck my head around him, interrupting the process with my selfish sense of urgency and asked if I could simply have a mask.  He gave me a "Well EXCUSE me look."

I went next door to the shop, but as I sat waiting for my glasses I became convicted of my rudeness and went back to the doctor's office.  I apologized to the man for being so rude.  He said, "It's all good."

As I was leaving with my glasses he was in the parking lot getting into his Sheriff's car...LOL...great.  As I took the time to look more closely at him I said, "Do you go to CrossPointe  Church?"  I love the honesty in his response.  "Sometimes."  I explained I was the pastor's wife and thought that I had spoken to him several weeks ago.  He then remembered me, even though I was just coming from a water aerobics class and was wearing a cover up and my hair was dripping wet and pulled up on my head.  We exchanged names and I told him I looked forward to seeing him again. Me oh my, I was so glad that even though I had started out a far from merciful, the Lord righted my attitude and I had a repentant spirit.

Nothing-Believe and live out the truth that nothing can separate them from the love of God.  Romans 8:31-39

A woman in water aerobics was chatting with me and said, "The world has gone totally coo coo." 

Yes, it appears it has and it may get even nuttier and not be a pleasant place to live, but what a 

comfort to know that nothing can separate us from the love of God.

The Song

"Nothing Can Separate" Matt Redman and Lucy Grimble

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