
How I thank God for friends who send texts like this!

Be on your guard and stay awake. Your enemy, the devil, is like a roaring lion, sneaking around to find someone to attack.  1 Peter 5:8

While attempting to catch up on some writing I was listening to Toby Mac sing "The Goodness of God". It was a good tool to help me recover from a week of sorrow I had faced recently.  I came across this beautiful story of how God walked Toby’s family through a time when a deadly overdose took the life of his 21 year old son.

Our church has an amazing ministry to addicts and their loved ones called Recovery Church. It meets every Tuesday night and brings hope to the hurting.

As I typed the word recover I began to think of the blood of Jesus. Again and again we call upon the Lord to forgive us our sins.  It's a recovering right?  I looked up several definitions and synonyms for recover. 

Recover - "to cover again, a new". Hallelujah, that's what the blood of Christ does!
It's also what the mercy of God does. Covers us again and again making us new.

Now check out these synonyms:
get back, reclaim, regain, repair, rescue, restore.

When our sin breaks our right relationship with God what Jesus did for us on the cross and our asking for forgiveness, asking to be recovered again gets back, reclaims what was lost, regions the right relationship, repairs what was broken, rescues us from what we deserve and restores the father/child relationship we were created for.
Hallelujah what a Savior!  
Thank You Jesus for your resurrection power!

Toby Mac shares about son's death.

The Songs
The Goodness

This is a darker song called but represents the battles many face and the reality of spiritual warfare. The enemy seeks to destroy.
"Help is on the Way" Toby Mac

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