Fumble Recovery


This week I had the joy of beginning my 30th year of bleacher sitting for sons or grandsons football games!  Three times I took to my feet cheering as #22 caught a 30 yard pass and he recovered two fumbles.

Aren't we blessed to be children of a God who helps us recover from our fumbles in life?

Looking up the slang definition of fumble I found "make a mess of, destroy, ruin."

It happens in life!

Our church has a Tuesday evening church service called Recovery Church for people recovering from addictions, wanting to be set free from addiction, family members of addicts or those who feel called to encourage these individuals. It is may husband's favorite service each week.  No pretenses in those coming, just honest "I've fumbled and I need Jesus to set me free" attitudes.

Is there a place in life you have fumbled and maybe unforgiveness still has you held down?  Call out to Jesus, so he can lead you to Recovery.

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1

The Song

Set Free Hope Darst


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