Honey in the Rock


Everything I need you have.

When we are weary, feeling like we cannot go on, choose praise.

This was a new song to me..."Honey in the Rock" and the lyrics rang so true...

"You are all that I need, I keep praying you keep moving.

I don’t need to worry, everything I need you’ve got. There's honey in the rock."

We are coming out of a two month season with our youngest son and his family who had a lot of needs...new job, new state, new house, new school, new speech therapist, new doctors, new friends, etc.  The trickiest piece of the puzzle was they were having a NEW BABY in the middle of all of this and the housing market is quite a challenge.

But...."With God nothing shall be impossible." Luke 1:35

They are all here with us, the job and school have started, the baby is growing and  happy and by the end of month they should be in their new home in Roanoke, VA.

God does make a way!

The Song

“Honey in the Rock” Brandon Lake Brooke Ligertwood


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