
An alone moment on the dock and it feels just fine.

Rarely, am I alone. Being a people person that's okay. Accidentally, a friend recorded a conversation about me that she was having with her husband and it texted to me.  In the  conversation, this friend said, "I don't see how she does it. All those children and I think 14 grandchildren."  I love her husband's response. "Well, it's all she's known."  He was correct. That has been the norm since we married 46 years. Having a crowd is comfortable. Now, I don't mind a few "catch me up in the quiet" days. But it brings me joy seeing people gather together and connect with one another.

While on a date night at the theatre to see Reagon with my husband, my heart began to tug as an older gentleman walked in very slowly after the previews had started and found a seat. He was all alone. We headed to dinner after the movie and were placed in a booth next to a woman eating all alone. That evening when we got into bed I told my husband, "I was so wrapped up in our fun date night, but now I'm feeling awful that we didn't ask the gentleman to go to dinner or the woman alone in the booth, to join us." It was definitely the Spirit stirring my heart.

While aloneness may be just as comfortable to these individual's as chaos is to me and we know we are never really alone, when the Spirit stirs our hearts in this way we need to listen.  My guess is I will see these people again or another person I am to welcome into fellowship.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

The afterthought. Clicking out of this site my eyes gravitated to this photo of our kitchen table on my screen. The words "come to the table" came to mind and then this phrase from a song somewhere in my past..."only the lonely."

I'm praying for six people, who live alone that God wants us to have come join us for dinner.

The Song

"I Am Not Alone" Kari Jobe

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