
"Re" Two little letters that simply mean: “again.” God appears to have a particular affinity for “re” verbs. For instance, “return to me, for I have redeemed you” (Isaiah 44:22,)

There are a lot of “re” words in the Bible. Words like redemption, renew, repent, restore, resurrection, reconciliation and regeneration show up over and over throughout the Bible, especially the New Testament.

The word the Lord gave me was Reaction.  
Reaction -an action performed in response to a situation or event; a person's ability to respond physically and mentally to external stimuli. 

The prefix “re” means back or again. I prayed for the Lord to allow our grandson to have a “pick 6” again! Prayed lots of other things too that were in accordance with this definition of reaction and the responsibilities of OLB.  

Lord, I pray for this young man's safety, good health and mental clarity. I pray for his eyes to be keen to the offense’s movements and for his quick, yet accurate, response to the situations on the field. Help him to stop the run, the pass and everything in between. Thank You for his godly character, protect his heart from the wiles of the world, the locker room and any young ladies who are after him.

The next day...
Well, our grandson did not get another "Pick 6" he instead had a bad snap and then a couple plays later received a knee injury that took him out of the game. The Lord put on my heart two things to share with him.
#1 I had prayed the wrong prayer. I should not have asked the Lord for a "Pick 6." He's a team player and the prayer should be for the Lord to use all the players to the best of their abilities and in a way that shows the talents God has given all of them. The previous game, besides the "Pick 6," an offensive player score 3 touch downs.  Then in this particular game, another player was the only one to score. I told our grandson, "If one player was always in the lime light that individual could become puffed up and jealousy could enter the ranks of the team.  God knows exactly what each of those young men need on a given day. Staying humble helps."

#2 I told him as bad as he was feeling over the bad snap that I bet there wasn't another player on the field, who had a father and grandfather in the stands who had played their very same position and thus knew exactly how he was feeling and could encourage him after the game.  Now, y'all there is richness in that gift that goes beyond a touch down.

The Song

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