

God goes before us and behind us.  I see this truth all the time in the simple way He will put a Bible passage before me or a message sent to my ears that confirms an area he is working on in me.

One day last week a friend called needing help with a high school reunion she was planning. She wanted to borrow some of my party planning supplies. My first thought was sure, than the more I thought through that her request involved glassware I thought this may be a lot of work.

Eight hours later I am reading the daily "Bless Every Home-Praying For Your Neighbors" email I receive and it was the prayer posted above for generosity. She picked up her glassware yesterday!

Generosity-"the spirit and action of freely and frequently giving to others. An overall spirit of kindness."

The prayer-"Lord, I ask that You bless our use of resources for good works, helping us to give generously and share with others.  Help us to recognize the blessings we have received and to use them to bless others in return. Use me as an example of generousity and willingness to share, demonstrating through my actions the joy and fulfillment that come from giving.  Let my life be a testament to the power of generosity, inspiring others to seek ways to use their resources for good.  May my words and deeds reflect a heart of generosity, guiding others to experience the blessings that come from living a life of giving and service." 1 Timothy6:18

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.  2 Corinthians 9:7

Lord, make me a cheerful giver. In Jesus' name, Amen

The Song

"God Loves a Cheerful Giver" Steve Green  (It will stick in your brain.)

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