
Hmm. It is questionable whether this younger sibling's enjoyment of bath time is being respected by the older.

We are living in a social climate where there is little respect for one another.  The idea of regarding the feelings, wishes, rights or traditions of others often doesn't play into our encounters, especially on social media. One of the key bits of wisdom I share when counseling others is "Remember, you do not know the whole story behind what has made that individual act that way. There are hurts, hindrances and sometimes protect motives, which have shaped their thinking."

As believers, we have moral absolutes given to us by God which we desire to live by.
The judgement that belongs only to God, enters our minds and our reactions can be less than merciful.  Yet, when a loved one breaks those bounds we remember God's grace and mercy and hit our knees and pray.

Below are two entries from ministries I respect. These came to me two days in a ro whenI was prone to wander from God's ways and take up my judgement stick towards people who were wounding.

Bless Every Home Prayer for 9/12/24

"Lord, I pray that You prevent bitterness from taking root in our neighborhood, helping us to live in unity and harmony with one another. Let Your love be the foundation of our relationships, guiding us to forgive and show grace to one another. Use me as an instrument of Your love, promoting peace and understanding in our community. Let my life be a reflection of the unity that comes from knowing You, inspiring others to seek reconciliation and harmony. May my actions and words be a testament to the power of Your love, guiding others to experience the beauty of living in unity and showing the world the transformative power of Your grace." John 17:21-23

Jesus Calling 9/13 

"Come to Me and rest. Give your mind a break from its habitual judging.  That is God' role.

Do not judge, or you too will be judged. Matthew 7:1

...Relate to Me as creature to Creator, sheep to Shepherd, subject to King, clay to Potter.  Allow Me to have My ways with you, accept them thankfully.  The intimacy I offer you is not an invitation to act as if you were My equal. Worship Me as king of kings while walking hand in hand with Me down the path of Life."

I'm learning to do a "stop, look and listen" when judgement wants to step in and speak up. Stilling my emotions I look to my Creator, my Shepherd, my King and Potter. I stop and praise the One who created me, then I look to God seeking provision for the physical or emotional needs that my Shepherd provides. Finally, I listen to the guidance my King graciously gives and submit to the molding of my Potter. 

The Song

“Change My Heart O God”


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