The Load

Take a look back.  
When I attended elementary school we did not have backpacks. My first book accessory was a rubber strap with a metal hook to keep your books together, but it didn't work well at all. My husband said he had a belt, but that too was useless.  Next for me was the cute little brief case type bag like in photo #1. I remember inside my brief case I also had a pencil case.  As Fancy Nancy would say, "Ooo la la."

By the 70's we had back packs, but they certainly were not laden with the loads kids carry today.

Our oldest grandchild, who is in high school, called to just chat the other night.  Talk about thrilling a grandmother's heart! When I asked him how I could be praying for him he replied to pray he can balance the load as a varsity athlete and high school student. Such a mature request.

The flip side of all students have to balance is the sandwich generation carrying for elderly parents and grandchildren at the same time.

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give your rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30

September seems to always be a loaded month, especially for parents and teachers.
I learned years ago, operating the Hotel Shiloh, to lay down some loads/responsibilities in the summer. Then the end of August and beginning of September sneak up and a sense of overload smacks me upside the head as I attempt  to get back into the routine of schedules and commitments.  Opening my calendar, I long for a "do nothing" day.

Let's look at our loads. Spread them all at the feet of Jesus and ask..
What am I to pick up?
What am I to leave at Your feet?
What am I to ask someone else to help me carry or maybe take the whole load?

The Song
"Lay Down Your Burdens" by Christian Youth from India

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