How Long Will You Pray and Wait? Related to Moving Mountains Session 1

Eldredge shares two stories related to persistent prayer in Moving Mountains. 

How long will you keep praying?

I was baby sitting at our daughter’s home while I working on this study. A crazy red cardinal flew right at the glass door to the room where I was sitting. I thought... I wish I had caught a photo of that for a Boojoyful devotional, but I wasn’t willing to sit there and see if the bird came back. That made me think of the story in the Session 1 video of Elijah sending his servant to look for rain 8 times. That’s a lot of faith/positive expectancy y’all. 

While I pondered this the bird flew again, but I wasn’t ready with the camera.

Then I thought…what am I willing to wait patiently for.  I thought of the times I’ve waited for my husband to arrive.  Back in our dating years, I’d stand a long time trying to get a glimpse of him coming off the plane to visit me where I was living in Florida.  Even now, when it nears the time he is supposed to return  home, I wait anxiously ready to give him a kiss when he enters the door.  Yet, I wasn’t going to hold the phone camera for 2 minutes to capture this crazy bird.

My mind drifted to the years we prayed persistently for our daughter to have a baby after three miscarriages.  We never gave up..

Then I picked up my phone again and aimed it at the door, but this time I asked God what I should pray for during the wait.  I prayed for all the sons and son in laws in my church connect group to be the strong spiritual leaders of their homes. For these men and their wives to be vital members of a local church and in weekly Bible study and to realized the importaqnce of this example for their children.  I prayed for those group members whose children were not married yet, to be seeking the Lord and attending church, Bible study and Christian fellowship regularly.  As I prayed these prayers led by the Lord, the bird flew right at me and I got a photo!  This experience echoed what Eldredge is teaching in Session 1 of Moving Mountains and really encouraged me.

May we all remember that God has a plan and purpose for us each day and ask him what to pray and keep praying. 

The Song

"Don't Stop Praying" Matthew West

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