Opportunities, Provisions and Miracles

December 6
Beginning the day with some Bible study, I was struck by the "To do" activity in the study.
"Write down a short prayer regarding what you are asking for, whether it is an open door for a new opportunity, daily provision, or a miracle.  We will revisit this request on day 5 to see if this focused time of seeking has brought part of the answer or if your request has changed."   Sheila Walsh

The categories intrigued me.  The thought process went something like this:
How often do I go looking for a new opportunity? I've got plenty to do as it is.
Now daily provisions…I ask for those daily!  A day doesn't go by my husband doesn't pray for a good night's sleep!
Miracles.  I pondered…Do I pray big enough?  Is my positive expectancy, for a God sized outcome, obvious?
Most importantly…Do my requests line up with what is pleasing in God's sight?  You know, things that will bring Him glory and bring others into a closer relationship with him.

It's 12:16AM. A new day is upon me. The calendar has slipped over to December 6th.
I'm plunging into my prayer time right now with a new fervency! Watch out heaven.
Here they come!

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
Matthew 7:7-8

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