Marching Orders

Some of our grands donning my father's WWII Army Cap

Our 14 year old grandson ready to "move out" on his new mini bike.

Our service men and women and local first responders are ready to move into action in a moments notice.  There is no negotiation with their superiors, they just go!

Yet, when God, our ultimate superior, calls upon us with an assignment we waiver, wander and sometimes pull a Jonah going the opposite direction.  A deeper life void is that we seldom position ourselves to receive those orders. 

Why is listening prayer so uncomfortable?  Hmm, because we know we are submitting to someone else's control of our lives.  When was the last time you prayed for an hour?

It takes discipline of the mind and our time to position ourselves for listening prayer for even 10 minutes.  Why do we struggle to be alone with the One who loves us the most and knows us the best?

"Contact with others in society is not what causes the soul to grow most vigorously.  
In fact, one quiet hour of prayer will often yield greater results than many days spent
in the company of others. It is in the desert that the dew is freshest and the air is the 
most pure." Andrew Bonar  
The Song (For Children)
"The Lord's Army"

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