The Door

The door of The Ark.

How amazing is the way The Ark Encounter has lit this door to the ark with a cross!

I really like front doors! To me they are a symbol of welcoming. If we ever build a house, which probably will not happen, these are the front doors I would like to have. It is probably a pain to clean those panes though and a lot of work to repaint when you want to change the door color.

Others may see doors as barriers, protection or security.  As a pastor and pastor's wife we visit hospitals and there are secure areas where you must be buzzed in. You can't just enter.  It's discouraging when you approach a business and find the doors locked.

Jesus calls himself "the door" in John 10:9...

I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.” 

I love the freedom this verse represents!  Safety in our coming and going.

Going to commentaries I saw that most reference this verse in regards to shepherds who took turns guarding and protecting the fold from predators and robbers. Some use the word gatekeeper as they shepherds might even lay across the entrance to the sheepfold at night.  God is our protector.  He knows sin lurks wanting to enter our lives.

The Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry, and why has your face fallen? If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. It's desire is contrary to you, but you must rule over it". Genesis 4:6-7

Jesus says for us to knock and he will answer. He is the ultimate host when it comes to welcoming.

Jesus knocks as well. He knocks on the doors of our hearts wanting to come into our lives and reign there.

Refusing to let temptation take over and become sin  is a daily choice for us!  Close the door to sin and open the door to God's goodness.

The Songs

Kids Song "I am the Door"

Country Gospel Song

"Jesus is Knocking"

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