Abigail Week 1

Loving on our new granddaughter, so here is a post for today and tomorrow.

The connect group I attend is beginning a Bible Study called Abigail-Living with the difficult People in Your Life. In this study's first publication the sub title was "Living with Fools." Ha!  I think we all feel we have at one time or another. Being married to a man who was a private school administrator for 33 years, I heard tales of some foolish behavior!

The back cover describes the study this way:

“Each of us can point to someone who makes life complicated. It could be a coworker, a family member, or even a spouse. Sometimes it’s easy to let circumstances like this control our thoughts, words, and actions. We react, rather than act . . . and find ourselves frustrated—at ourselves and the situation. But does this have to be the way it is?

One woman of the Bible shows us that there is a better way. The way of wisdom. The way of hope. The way of Jesus. In this six-week Bible study, journey along with Abigail as she uses her influence in two men’s lives—with different results. See how the empowerment of the Holy Spirit can help you deal with difficult people . . . without becoming difficult yourself!”

Week 1

 "A foolish heart without regard for God will act foolishly. A heart surrendered to Jesus will glorify God."

We all need people in our lives who graciously point out when we are acting like fools and give us godly counsel. 

New Year's Eve night I was engaging in a favorite activity here at Shiloh with our grandchildren, which we call Marshmallow Wars.  We go into a room that can be self-contained and are each given 5-7 marshmallows and at the buzzer begin plummeting one another with marshmallows. My husband was not playing and when I encouraged him to "be fun" and join the action, he replied, "One of us needs to be the adult around here."

I came up with a new idea and suggested we play one round in the dark.  My husband, who saw me as a fool in this situation said, "You need to sit this one out.  You are going to fall and get hurt."

The story can be recalled in 1 Samuel chapter 25.  The next few weeks I will give you a taste of what we are learning each week.

The main characters are:

David, who is fleeing for his life from King Saul and a couple David meets along the way.

Abigail, the wife,  is a woman of discretion, and wisdom. She’s a peacemaker.

Nancy Lee DeMoss Wolgemuth, the study author,  describes Nabal, the husband,  this way: "He’s an abusive man. He’s abusive to his wife. He’s abusive to others. He’s verbally abusive. He’s a hard drinker; we’re going to see that. He’s just a mean man."  The Bible explains Nabal's name means fool.

God's Word says this about fools.

 “The fool speaks folly, and his heart is busy with iniquity, to practice ungodliness and to utter error concerning the LORD, to leave the craving of the hungry unsatisfied, and to deprive the thirsty of drink.” Isaiah 32:6

All of us know marriages where one spouse may be a little calmer and level headed than the other.  Drugs, alcohol, environment can play into explosive personalizes and when two strong willed, hot heads encounter one another tension can explode. How many movies have you seen where bar room brawls break out? Have you ever helped an intoxicated person get home?

This study will teach how, with love and respect, we can be a calm presence in a storm by controlling our tempers and calling upon the Holy Spirit to fill us with godly wisdom.

The very first chapter challenges the reader to not judge these men, as their feud unfolds, but to use this example for good and check our own hearts asking...

"Am I sometimes impossible to deal with? 

 Are people not honest with me because I'll blow up? 

 Am I arrogant, proud, harsh?

 Do I assume negatively of others, assume the worst of them?

 Do I answer roughly rather than graciously?"

Let the equipping begin in our hearts Lord Jesus and pray 1 Peter 4:12-13 for ourselves.

Dear friends, don't be surprised or shocked that you are going through testing that is like walking through fire. Be glad for the chance to suffer as Christ suffered. It will prepare you for even greater happiness when he makes his glorious return.

The Song

"Speak Life" Toby Mac


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