Looking Out

September 11
Every knee shall bow to Me, and every tongue shall confess to God.
Romans 14:11

"The primary focus of meaningful worship is God, God's presence and grace."
Don Postema

Boo thought: Reading the Roman's verse I thought of the song, Head and Shoulders, Knees and TONGUES! Last night we were at a Life Group training and the leader asked us to circle up and hold hands. Instinctively we all did that facing inward. He said, "Why is it none of us circled up with our backs to the circle looking out? The point he was making is that so many small group gatherings look into themselves and not out to those who might like to come in and be a part of the circle. Even in our Christian fellowship we can become very cliquish.
Back to the song...we should be using our heads to think of the needs of others, we ought to take those arms attached to our shoulders and wrap them around some hurting people, we might consider getting down on our knees and lending a helping hand or praying alongside someone and we certainly need to keep a check on our tongues and be sure they are being used for edification, encouragement and telling of God's wonderful acts.

Let's Pray: Lord, You are the Mighty One, Ruler of Creation and steadfast in character! We need you today. Forgive us when we stray and draw us back to You before we get too banged up out on our own. Help us to have the eyes of Christ...eyes that can look back and remember where we have come from and give thanks for how we were drawn into Your fellowship. Give us eyes that look out and see people who need to be welcomed into Your family and hearts that react to that reality! In Jesus Name, Amen

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