Watch What You Say

April 4
God's Word says... 
Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.  Proverbs 22:6

If anyone causes one of these little ones-those who believe in me-to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
Matthew 18:6

Parenting and grandparenting are serious roles to be played in a child's life.  We were privileged to have two of our grandsons here for two weeks recently. The last four of those days our daughter and her husband were out of town, so my husband and I stayed busy.  I make a breakfast muffin that the boys love, so each morning they would hear the timer go off.  One of us must have said, "The muffins are ready!"  Our daughter said when they returned home to Nashville that evening a beeper sounded on one of their phones and their almost two year old said, "Muffins ready!"

Her next report was that the next morning they were working a puzzle and one piece was of a flower.  When her son picked it up he said "Daffodil!"  She had no idea how he knew what a daffodil was, but while she was gone we had an egg hunt in the daffodils and he obviously quickly absorbed that word.
A rather disturbing comment evolved the other morning as this precious child kept looking at her saying, "Butt head, butt head." Would my parents really have taught him to say this? she was thinking. Laughter rang from my body knowing the reason. Ever since he was an infant, I've placed my forehead on his and we've rub noses. He grew to love the feeling of forehead to forehead and it became his sign of affection.  We've wondered if he is a "cone head" like in the Saturday Night Live skits years ago.  Whenever my husband holds this little fellow he says, "Head butt, head butt," meaning place your forehead on mine.  He had turned the word line up around.  My daughter and I were almost crying as we laughed at how she will explain this when she picks him up for the nursery at Sunday School, Bible Study and the "Y" and the sitters report her son called them a "butt head".

What we pour into these children is what comes out of them, so we must watch what we say!

His name for zebra may get him in trouble's a Brazee!

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