Your Buck A Roo, Wants to Be Like You

April 16
Our grandson had a Thomas the Train 2nd birthday party.  He enjoyed every moment and was so excited as each friend arrived.  The highlight of the party was when this child's father arrived dressed as Sir Topham Hatt.  Sir Topham Hatt is the British gent who heads up the railroad on the Island of Sodor in the TV Series Thomas the Train.
We all knew we were taking a chance with Dad dressing up.  One of our sons attended a 5 year old Davey Crockett birthday party years ago, where the dad dressed up as a bear they could shoot with pop guns.  All the children cried from fear, even when the dad took off his bear head.
Sir Topham Hatt was a total success.

Our children are watching us.  They watch how we parent, how we do business, how we treat others, how we place importance on our faith...some may even be around to watch how we die. Our character counts for more than we know.
While driving to Nashville, I engulfed myself in wonderful Christian and Country radio stations throughout the trip. A country song came on that really caught my attention. It is by Rodney Atkins and is called I've Been Watching You.
The song lyrics take you through this little boy imitating his father in action and speech.  Good ways and then some not so desirable.  The chorus goes:
I've been watching you, dad ain't that cool? I'm your buckaroo, I want to be like you.

3 John 1:11 says: 
Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good.

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