
The beauty of this moon shining in our bedroom window is unstoppable!

Y'all  know I love words!  Hallelujah is probably my favorite, but the first week of Bible Study Fellowship brought about some great ones.  The study is on Acts and the Letters of the Apostles this year. You can now sign up and participate in BSF online if your schedule or location does not allow you the privilege of attending a study in person.  The children's materials are out of this world and can be accessed, even the music, when you register online.  Check it out...www.mybsf.org

The key verse for our first day was Acts 1:8
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

There are some strong statements there.  Not maybe, not if you are good enough, not if you are in the mood...the words there are you will.  There is a specified gift available to us and a specific calling upon those who receive the gift.  Such definition!

Two principles were taught in the lesson with two powerful words...endure and empower.

Endure..."suffer patiently, remain in existence."
The first definition I was not anticipating, but it really hit home. We are all called to endure much.

The principle in the lesson was related to the going out of God's Word being unstoppable and the Bible enduring forever.  I think God took me there to remind us that with the empowering of  the Holy Spirit we can endure all things.

There was a powerful prayer included on the website that I am praying for each of us right now...
"Father, search my heart and show me where sin is grieving the Holy Spirit.  Please fill me constantly with Your Spirit that I might know and love Jesus more deeply. In Jesus' Name, Amen"

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