A Heart of Worship

These photos were taken last week in Minnesota at a Pinewood Derby Race in which our grandson participated.  Our son is the Pinewood Derby Master in more ways than one!  While he is the keeper of the track and MC of the event, he also has a genuine ministry related to this event as he helps numerous families teach their children to build pinewood derby cars. 

Watching the race last week brought to life an addendum to yesterday's post on authentic worship.
Somewhere in my search to make worship real I related to this example.  When we attend concerts, sporting events, art shows, theatre productions, or other such events where someone we love is exhibiting their talents we politely applaud for each participant, but when the one we love, the one we have come there to see is before us, having their moment, our applause is heartfelt, it is authentic, it is from a place of love deep within us.

We watched the race mentioned above on zoom, but with equal enthusiasm as if we were there. After a whole lot of heats, the time came to tally the points and give out the awards.  Appropriately, our palms patted together as each award was handed out to boys we didn't know at all, but when our grandson's name was called the claps were much louder and combined with whoops of jubilation!   The applause was authentic and heartfelt for this child we love.  

Wherever our worship takes place this week may it not just be a "going through the motions" moment. May we truly worship and adore the One True God, the Giver of Life and Keeper of Our Souls. Our Creator, Redeemer, Savior and Lord who controls every beat of our hearts and loves us as no other will ever love us.  May our hands be lifted high, our voices sing out in jubilation, our hearts rejoice because we are truly known and loved by the God of the universe who desires our worship and praise.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him, and bless his name!  Psalm 100:4 

The Song The Heart of Worship Matt Redman

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