Are You Listening?

Storm resilient children. Thank You, Lord.

Where did the day go? Did it not start with the Lord? I know I was praying throughout the night.  I totally forgot to post a devotional I was so busy texting with friends and family in Florida and helping work at church most to they day preparing to move out huge out door fall festival inside this weekend. Forgive me Lord, for going full steam ahead without you. It's so easy to do.

Our son texted this morning that they were out surveying the damage in his in law's neighborhood in Sarasota and it was pretty bad.  Tree's and fences down everywhere. He said most everyone had power out, but they were somehow spared. 

Opening this site I saw the beginnings of an old devotional I had never posted. It's definitely what God wants me to hear. Once again I have allowed myself to be way overbooked and I will be of no good to anyone.  Tomorrow, before the weekend chaos at church begins I am praying I will choose to take a Sabbath and "turn to that which gives life."

Confession. In my hustling I actually thought, "Oh, I'll just make this devo count for 2 days since I'm so late." Oh me of little obedience.  This process isn't a check list, but a privileged time to spend with the Lord.

We need You, Lord, we need you!  Everyday we need You!

The Rest of God by Mark Buchanan 

God is always speaking, but we’re not always listening…the paradox “If we don’t listen, we never enter his rest, yet if we don’t enter his rest, we never listen…But Sabbath is when we stop.  We slow down. We play, we rest, we dream, we wonder.  We cease from that which is necessary and turn to that which gives life. And in the hubs the descends, we listen.”

God's word is alive and powerful! It is sharper than any double-edged sword. His word can cut through our spirits and souls and through our joints and marrow, until it discovers the desires and thoughts of our hearts. Nothing is hidden from God! He sees through everything, and we will have to tell him the truth.  Hebrews 4:12-13

We best cultivate the capacity to hear in times of stillness and quietness.”

“I want to live by faith, not by sight.”

To my dearly loved Florida readers. I love you and am so sorry for the mess you are facing. Prayers continue for all that has been lost, but thanksgiving that Jesus is with you.

The Song

"God is in This Story" Katie Nichols and Big Daddy Weave

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