Psalm 47-For A Monday Morning

Dance, dance, dance

Monday mornings can seem daunting with a full work week ahead.  This past Monday I was heading to water aerobics and had on The Journey radio station.  The DJ was asking who remembered the scene in the play Peter Pan when the audience is asked to clap their hands so that Tinkerbelle will come back to life.  She related that action to Psalm 47 where we are reminded to clap our hands in joyful praise. It was such a great way to start a Monday!

The DJ said, "Worship is our weapon and praise is our power."

I have a category on my Apple Music called "Dance Party." It is filled with songs that make you want to dance for Jesus!

So, turn off the news, get off social media for a moment, put down your phone and dance before the Lord you love!

All of you nations, clap your hands and shout  joyful praises to God.The Lord Most High is fearsome, the ruler of all the earth. God has put every nation under our power, and he chose for us the land that was the pride of Jacob, his favorite. God goes up to his throne as people shout and trumpets blast. Sing praises to God our King, the ruler of all the earth! Praise God with songs. Psalm 47:1-7

The Songs

"Glorify" by Jordan Feliz

"Rasie a Hallelujah"  By Bethel Music

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