

                                         A new season of life!  They won their first game 14-13.

Do you remember how I wrote a couple weeks ago about rejoicing in all things?  The test are getting harder.  We were heading out the door to drive a friend an hour away to an appointment for a wig. All her hair had fallen out, due to chemo for her Stage 4 cancer.  My sweet husband went to pull my car out of the garage and I was coming out the front door.  All of a sudden from the car he shouts, go back into the house!  He starts backing up the car, crashes into our landscape lighting and smashes into the rail of our stairway putting a dent in our car. I am looking at him in disbelief. If it had been a shooter I would have been dead for sure. SLOW obedient. Again he says, "I said get in the house. There is a SKUNK!"

Me oh, my!  He saved me.  We were running a little late, so I quickly went to a downstairs door and came out by the garage thinking I could make a dash for the car. As I rounded the corner of the house there was the skunk 12 feet from me. I darted back into the house and ran to the other side of the house, out a door and up the drive way flagging my husband to drive up that way and get me.  We got away, but have no idea where the skunk is. There is a very good chance he has encamped under our front stairs. I have a call into the exterminator but it will certainly be sometime next week before anyone comes.

Then we get to Salem, VA to the wig shop. About 45 minutes into the appointment my husband comes in the shop to say something is wrong with the car. It would not start. Are you kidding me? Thinking it could be the battery, I suggested he go across the street where I'd seen some sort of fund raiser or cookout being held. Praise the Lord for John, who had every tool possible in his truck and got us going.

By the time we reached our friends house, my husband's  phone rang and a church member had died so he dropped me off at home, where I looked for the skunk before darting inside with groceries. All this was done without stopping our car.  Then it was off to Advance Auto before heading to the home of the deceased to plan a funeral.

This was to be our do nothing day, but we are choosing to rejoice and be glad in all the day held. Well, maybe not the skunk predicament.  Forgive me Lord.

but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your hearts to the Lord; always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to our God and Father. Ephesians 5:18-20

The Song
"Give Thanks With a Grateful Heart"

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