Take Me Back to Church


Did any of you have mothers who said, "Always wear clean underwear in case you are in an accident?"   I did and was just thinking that through as I thought about putting on the Armor of God this morning. The armor would be more helpful than clean underwear in the case of an accident.  Our son was in a serious car accident twenty years ago.  He told me he saw Jesus in the car with him, but we never once discussed the condition of his underwear.

I'd think there is a good chance your undies might get dirty if you were in a terrible wreck.  

I googled this statement and was tickled by this gentleman's response.

"People are in accidents all the time, and I have yet to read about the state of their underwear in any of the reports. How often have you ever seen this in the newspaper?..."Marvin Kittle was injured in a single-car rollover on Route 8 early this morning after swerving to avoid a deer. He suffered multiple contusions and a sprained wrist. He was held overnight at County Hospital for observation. Police say he was wearing clean underwear at the time of the accident.'"

This cartoon made me chuckle.

When you dressed this morning did you think more about the selection of your underpants or on putting on the spiritual armor of God?

I was listening to The Journey radio station and the DJ said, “Your worship is your weapon!"
So, get your worship on!

For my worship time, one of the songs I selected was this song about getting back to church!

The Song

"Take Me Back to Church" by Cochren

Here are some other funny mom sayings I came across while searching about the clean undies 

"Don't put that in your mouth; you don't know where it has been."

"Be careful with that or you will put your eye out."

"If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything."

"What part of NO don't you understand?"

"You'll understand when you are older."

"Put a hat on so you don’t catch a cold."

Now days the comments sound like this...

"Never post anything that you would not say in person."

"Just because you delete it, doesn't mean that someone didn't see it."

"You think you're talking to someone you know, but you never really know who is behind that profile."

"Temporary anger becomes permanent postings."

"Always remember that everything you post becomes part of your online history...think of your future."

"Spelling and grammar matters even on Twitter or Instagram."

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