

Our grandson running the ball above and playing defense below.

His original private school game was cancelled and a large public school agreed to come play. We all admitted, players and parents alike, we were scared when we saw the size of the other team, but it was a great game with us losing by only 3 points in the last seconds.

The news of war usually affects us all, even if we are not in the line of fire.  We know someone whose safety is threatened; we have loved ones  in our military being placed on high alert; or for those with spiritual eyes we recognize the spiritual battle that is behind the conflict and we pray with a deep fervency.

I am part of a prayer ministry called "Bless Every Home".  Each weekday I received the names and addresses of 5 neighbors, most of whom I do not know, to pray for.  The site sends a prayer to pray for these people. This prayer appeared recently.

"Father, remind me today to approach my neighbors without judgement. Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put an stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister."

Romans 14:13

I enjoy how digging deeper into a scripture like this one found in a devotional can lead us to allow God to transform the rough spots in our souls.  I lingered in Romans 14.

With war on the forefront and an election year ahead of us as I came to verse 19,     I read it over and over again.

Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.

Y'all we need one another and we need for those we love who are not in Christ to be drawn to Him.

While Paul is addressing committed disciples in this chapter and not those with disputing religious beliefs, we are not called to judge anyone.  But we are called to pray, even for those who persecute us.

What is critical is what is seen about Christians, by non-believers.

Below are some excellent key points in an article by Ray Steadman.

He mentions the importance of holding to righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

"Paul says..You are insisting that your rights are so important that you have to divide the church over them, or separate from a brother or sister who does not believe as you do. That is saying to the watching world around us that Christianity consists of whether you do, or do not do, a certain thing.

Righteousness means God's gift of a sense of worth about yourself. It means that, because of the death of Jesus on your behalf, you are loved by him; you are accepted by him; you are a valuable person in his sight

Peace comes across visibly as a kind of calmness, an inner core of unflappability that is undisturbed by the minor irritations of the moment. It is that quiet and calm assurance that God is present in the situation; that he will work it out for his glory, and therefore, we need not get upset or angry, or vindictive toward someone

Joy is that delight in life that always finds life worthwhile, even though it may be filled with problems. Joy, in a Christian, does not come from circumstances.

These three always go together: righteousness, peace, and joy. They are gifts of God. They do not come from you; they come from him."

Do our neighbors, wherever they may be found,  see us as individuals who exude righteousness, peace and joy?

The Holy Spirit had to correct and redirect me at the end of the football game.  The opposing fans were loud...vocally, cow bells wise, and stomping on the metal bleachers that made it sound like a train was blowing through.  I began with a right spirit, but seeing the disappointment in our little granddaughter's eyes at the end I spoke unnecessary (although true) words that some fans right in front os us could hear. I told her our boys had no reason to hang their heads, they had gone up against a large public school (Goliath) and they had played their hearts out and given that team a scare. Our boys are the ones who should feel really good about what they accomplished.  One young woman turned around and looked at me trying to comprehend what I had said. I simply smiled, but my heart wasn't right.

Our son on the other hand, walked up to the young man going up against our grandson in the photo above and put his arm on his shoulder and said, "You played a great game."  His heart was right.

He later told me these young men were from the toughest neighborhood in the area.  He said they probably arrived at this fancy private school with a chip on their shoulder and he had also seen their coaches berating them for how they played. 😥

We never know the whole story, but are to love our neighbors and be who God has called us to be...LIGHT to a lost world.

The Song

"Love One Another" News Boys

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