Marching Orders #1

March is upon us and I'm still praying for a whopper of snow storm before Easter.

In the study I referenced, which I am currently doing with my S.O.R.T., Sisters of the Round Table, one of the challenges for us was to read a book that points to the Holiness of God.  Some that were recommended to me during the week were:

The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges

Gently and Lowly by Dane Ortlund

The Holiness of God by R.C. Sproul

None of these were on our personal bookshelf and on the same day, And the Angels Were Silent, by Max Lucado popped up on my audio feed. What a wonderufl listen it was. The next few days I will share some excerpts from this captivating story-teller of an author, as we turn our hearts towards Easter.

Referencing Jesus' entry into Jerusalem on the donkey.

"Jesus marches into battle out in front alone...If you want to know someone’s heart observe that person’s final journey.  You can tell a lot about a person by the way he dies...

Jesus road to battle certain it would be his last. BUT on the 3rd day!...

Jesus died on purpose.  He came to earth for this reason. “God’s plan.” 

The Son of Man is like the:

The general who dies for the private.

Jesus is the king who suffers for the peasant.

The master who sacrifices himself for his servant.

This journey to the cross began long ago in the garden.

Claim the Promises of God

  1. God has good plans for us
  2. When you feel weighted down remember-Those in Christ Jesus are not judged guilty.
  3. Nights when you wonder where God is- remember his promise “I am the holy One and I am among you.”
  4. Christ’s love is wide, high, deep and long.  Greater than any earthly love we can ever know.

March into Jerusalem with the promises of God in your heart.

The Song

“We All Need Jesus” Danny Gokey

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