The Great Sustainer

These roots did not sustain four huge pines in high winds from tumbling out over the lake.

The word for the day was sustain and that led me to Psalm 55:22
"Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall."

The Women of Faith Bible I was using had this to say:
"God is the great sustainer, He offers a lifetime guarantee.  He'll carry and support his people thru old age and into eternity.  Gray hairs and wrinkles don't diminish their value to him, nor do slowing faculties or illness...God carries his people, lovingly and carefully from birth to death and beyond."

These words speak encouragement to me personally and they are a useful equipping tool for many I encounter in my community and my family.

Who is it you know that needs to feel valued?

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