Hit The Trail

The Scripture Trails at Shiloh

The warm temperatures and quarantine situation called me outside to our scripture trials last Saturday.  I feel so blessed to live on 5 acres and have access to the solitude and silence the woods offer.  Add God's Word popping up to challenge you around every bend and you've got an awesome way to position yourself to hear from the Lord.

If today affords you a little more time because you are staying put, use that time to memorize a scripture passage today that you can use in your arsenal to combat the discouragement that many are feeling.

I have a specific prayer request for you.  For two nights in a row, the Lord awakened me with an urgency to pray for the physically and mentally abused. He pointed out that for many children school, a neighbor's house, or church are places of refuge which have been removed from them right now.  For some women, work is their safety net and they are either working from home or may have lost their job.  

Here is an excellent site with some powerful prayers.  I've copied a couple of the prayers below.

Almighty God, we pray for all victims of abuse. We ask you to surround them with Your care and protect them by Your loving might and permit them to enjoy health and healing, wholeness and strength, calmness and peace and love. Most of all, we pray that they feel Your presence and be confident in You. We pray that You open our ears, our eyes, and our hearts to be more aware, outreaching, and supportive to people in abusive situations, so that they won’t feel alone and know that someone cares. Let us love them as You have loved us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

When we hit the trail on our hunt for toilet paper or disinfectant wipes or maybe are just sitting in a park for a breath of fresh air,  let's keep our eyes open for those who might be people with a great need for protection.

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