People Not Like You

Family cowboys

But the Holy Spirit will come upon you and give you power. Then you will tell everyone about me in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, and everywhere in the world.” Acts 1:8 

Isn't it amazing how we can study a passage of scripture for years and years, even have it engrained on our hearts by memorization and still receive a fresh teaching from it?  That's what happened to me with Acts 1:8 recently.

Our pastor was preaching on this passage and instead of the end of this commission which says, "everywhere in the world" he said, "to people who are not like you."  Last month, right here in Moneta, I found myself conversing with a Hindu and a Buddhist.  It was not necessary to pack my bags, update my passport or board a plane. These people with ethnic backgrounds, not like mine, were working less than five miles from my home.  Differentiation is found in more than ethnicity. Right here in America, there is great diversity that at times we allow to cause us to be standoffish and afraid to share the Good News of Jesus.  We say, "They don't want to hear this."  We go where God sends us though, remembering He knows all of our hearts.

The Spirit's all-consuming passion is to exalt Christ to the end of the earth. 
Jesus himself said, "Go make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19).

Wrote this while back before the travel ban that was issued last night. I'm praying for all our foreign missionaries, spring breakers and other travelers unable to get back home.

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