Prayer for Growing Children

Missing four of our peeps in this photo and now a new one is on the way.
Wishing we were all together at this crazy time, but I know God is at work in all our lives.

Below is a prayer I found a couple months ago and have been praying for our adult children.
It's been heart wrenching to fathom all they have to maneuver with their children as parents in this social media madness world as they try to protect the minds of their children.  Maybe God has come up with a way to put a halt to so much of what is happening.  If the Internet gets bogged down or implodes and we can't all use our phones and computers as we are accustomed, that would be an attention getter.

A gentleman from church called and shared what he said was his favorite Facebook post to date related to the "stay at home" order most of us are under in America.  It showed God speaking and he said to the people of the world, "Enough!  Go to your room!"

The pastors of our three campus church were meeting and discussing how interesting it is that so many of the gatherings, which people around the world have allowed to become idols, have been halted.  Sporting events, the entertainment industry with its concerts, movies, plays and even churches can no longer gather together.  Also stopped is our liberal education system, which has gotten out of whack with what it's teaching and tolerating. The children have been sent home and are removed from their easy access to drugs, alcohol, sexual immorality and gang activity that occurs from middle school through college.

Unfortunately, for many children school was a safe haven from an abusive home.  Being burdened by this fact I contacted an elementary teacher and principal in our school district expressing my concerns and I am amazed at what they have in place to make contact with those children three times a week.  I've been given the names of several neighborhoods/streets considered "hot spots" where children live in homes of concern and I will be going to some of those areas to prayer walk and maybe even throw Easter eggs in their yards!  (Yup, Easter eggs with candy and scripture verses inside.)

"There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your fellow Israelites who are poor and needy in your land."  Deuteronomy 15:11

"And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased."  Hebrews 13:16

"...not looking to your own interests, but each of you to the interests of the others."
Philippians 2:4

 A Prayer for Our Growing Children  
by  Jason Helopoulos

As they mature and leave the home provide them adequate finances, but not riches; 
spouses who will love them, but not worship them;

Give them sorrows, but not too deep; struggles, but not too great.

Make them seasoned, but not hopeless; 
comfortable in their own skin, but not vain; zealous, but equally wise; 

knowledgeable, but filled with humility; content, but continually striving;

Allow them to be confident, but not cocky; 
humble, but not sheepish; gracious, but not fearful;

Mature their body in strength, their emotions with sophistication

and their imaginations with grounding;

Fill their lungs with deep laughter and their souls with joy.

But even as I pray these things,there is one prayer that soars above the rest:

Bestow upon them your grace.

Lavish them with your mercy.

Drench them with your love.

Give them the gift of faith.

Satiate all their appetites with you.
Fill them with your Holy Spirit.
Set them apart for your holy service.
Bring them into union with Christ.
Let their hearts know a peace that surpasses understanding.
Grant that my children would be Your children.

That would make this child exceedingly thankful.
Hear my prayer, O Father of mercy and grace.

Here's a peek from my Coloring the Promises book.

"For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, neither angels nor principalities nor powers, neither things present nor things to come, neither height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."  Romans 8:38-39

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