Appointed Times

The adult table Thanksgiving Day.

Knitted pumpkins I made in clay hands of our children from childhood.

What a journey I had last week. I arrived at 8:45 at the orthopedic's office, checked in and was ushered into an exam room early, before I even sat down in the waiting room!!! The nurse asked several questions and typed my responses into the computer and left the room. As soon as she was gone the whole office building went completely dark😳 Within about a minute emergency lighting came into the hallway, but none of the exam rooms. There are no windows in these corridors or rooms. The nurse has closed my door when she left, so I sat in pitch black. You could hear scurrying and voices in the hall.  

I was texting my husband and daughter about the excitement and said I couldn't believe no one was coming to check on the patients. I think they were trying to figure out the emergency and what was best to do with us. A few more minutes past, I was totally content in the dark which is probably weird, and another nurse opened the door and said, "Just sit tight."

The doctor, who is by far my favorite doctor ever, entered and did a thorough exam discussing some health issues that require me to have a hematologist care. He also engaged me in a sincere discussion of my life style (full time grandmama and pastors wife) and suggested a couple more procedures to buy me time before a knee replacement.

That day his plan was a new type of  injection. Please agree in prayer with me that this will bring me relief.

The next dilemma arose that morning due to the power outage. They couldn't access the necessary meds because they were electronically locked oh I was asked me to remain while they attempted  to resolve this issues.  I said...I'll sit right here and pray.. with minutes they were able to get to the meds. It took awhile to get things set up and a PA with a flashlight on his phone came into the room and held the light over my knee so the doctor could see what he was doing. 

I headed out to the parking lot to find a world of darkness. Traffic lights and every store in the surrounding strip malls was dark. It had been an hour and a half by this time. I never found out what happened, but can only imagine all the people who had travelled for x-rays, tests, procedures and Thanksgiving shopping that were disrupted. Im thanking the Lord I arrived 15 minutes early or would not have been able to check in or be seen. God is good. 

There's more to the story, due to confidentiality I will not share specifically. This appointment, at this time was not about me, but another individual I met in that building that day who needed prayer. I left blown away, a bit stunned, but amazed by how our God works and places us where he wants to use us at designated times.

In the pouring down rain, I began the 50 minute drive back to the lake. The day was far from over as I was meeting a woman to battle with her for her marriage and my husband was preaching at our Recovery Church for individuals with any kind of addiction.

A call came alerting me that a sweet older friend had been hospitalized with pneumonia and COVID.  I sent out an email prayer to a group of her friends to be fighting for her.

Then the battle ground came into vision. Had I had my armor sufficiently on this particular morning?  The enemy tried to keep me from making it to this appointment that morning. Forgotten purse, lost driver's license, necessary delivery that morning, and torrential rains.

Then the power outage.  The devil darts were flying and certainly had me distracted.  In a typical scenario I would have noticed the person in need and offered to pray, but I didn't. In a whisper this person asked me to pray!!!!

Y'all God works with us.  He protects us and he places us.  While I hope my knee improves and even heals, God can still use me just the way I am. The immediate result from the steroid was insomnia, but that has improved and I am able to straighten my leg for the first time in 5 months.

True confession. When I stopped, was quiet by the end of the day and recognized the warfare, I became fearful for my husband who was preaching that evening.  The gospel is a threat to the enemy. He recoils at the name of Jesus and the power of God's Word.

Fear is not from the Lord and we all know "The battle belongs to the Lord."

The Songs

"The Battle Belongs to the Lord"  Phil Wickstrum

"I'm Going to See a Victory" by Elevation Worship

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