Outlook = Lookout


Our oldest grandson, now 15, years ago at a doctor's office.  If he was sick he'd forgotten it, thanks to a sweet mama filled with distraction powers.                                              

Our outlook changes when we look out at others.

I had the privilege of praying, pre-surgery, for a woman who has visited our church.  She explained she was nervous and anxious. I told her I totally got that, I can't imagine there are many people who look forward to surgery and the rehab process.

I wrote her a prayer and then shared...God has been teaching me again and again the past three weeks to "Pounce on the positive." My current health issues have me in a lot of pain, but God is showing me that the goodness/positives in my life, specifically in my body, far outweigh the issues. So, I need to think on the good things.

This hand towel hangs in my bathroom as a daily reminder.

Continuing in my text, I shared, "As you go to the hospital today, use your ten fingers God has given you to count your blessings.  When I had my stroke God allowed me to look at every EMT, nurse, doctor and physical therapist and realize they had burdens in their lives, yet day after day they were showing up to help others."

When the Holy Spirit would prompt me, I'd pray over the those individuals. While on the neurosurgery floor I had a rather grumpy nurse. She came in one day to give me a pill for high cholesterol. I said, "But the tests showed I do not have high cholesterol. I do not want to take that pill."  She grumbled back, "Just take the pill! I have high cholesterol and take it."  Quietly, I replied, "But I do not have high cholesterol. I prefer to discuss this with the doctor." Then I said, "Is there something going on in your life.  You seem stressed. How can I pray for you?"  She became very defensive and said, "Nothing is wrong with my life" and stormed out.  Later that day she came back into the room and accepted the prayers.

PS...I never had to take those meds.

Back to the woman facing surgery, I said, "So, as you go to the hospital today, turn your eyes upon Jesus. See who he places in front of you that might need your prayers. It's good to remember this life is not about us, but about what God is doing to bring glory to his kingdom, our forever home. We are here to serve Him and it is in that service that we find joy.

Turn your anxiety into looking outward. Realize God has something good for you to do for someone else with a huge burden today. In turn, you will get a blessing, great joy and a much needed distraction."

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with My righteous right hand...

I am the Lord your God.I am holding your hand, so don't be afraid.I am here to help you. Isaiah 41:10, 13

The Songs

"Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" Rachel Lampa


"Think About Such Things" Steve Green and children

Years ago squamous cancer was found in my forehead. It appeared to be just a tiny but when the surgeon got in there it was quite large and I was left with a forehead full of stitches and scars that remain today. I chose to "be joyful always" put on my mama's pearls and a floppy hat and face the world.  Likewise, with the after affects of my stroke, I choose to rejoice always and be thankful for all Jesus has done and look to Him.

There is a country song about "I'm not as good as I used to be..."  When Jesus is working on us, though the tough times,  He's always making us better than we used to be!

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