Wrinkles & Rattles

July 24
While having dinner with friends last night the husband was
telling about house guests this past weekend who are mid-lifers
(50) with a one year old. Our friend chuckled and said yup, this fellow
has wrinkles and rattles. Whew, I was thinking of the mom who combined
menopause and morning sickness!

Thankfully, I am not the mother of a one year old right now, but God
works things together for the good of those who love Him and are called
according to His purpose. Thinking about this couple I began to reflect on
the other parents they will encounter at Mother's Day Out, the church
nursery, Back to School Nights and in the stands for sporting events.
They will have wisdom, which comes with age, to pass on to the twenty year
old parents.

Last night I was praying with a young twenty something friend whose father
has been battling cancer for a few years. Yesterday, his hip broke and he
is awaiting surgery today. This young woman is a teacher and lives at home
with her parents. She has spent her summer helping care for her father.
Personally it has been heart breaking for me to watch the health struggles
of my 89 year old father. I told her last night, I can't imagine enduring
what she has at her age.
Our life cycles are not the same, but the sustenance and sufficiency of
our Lord are applicable for all situations.

The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show
Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.

2 Chronicles 16:9

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