Happy Holy Week-Friday

April 2
S-suffering, sacrificial, Savior

Listening to a sermon on the radio, the minister was stating how people sometime diminish the pain of Christ on the cross because He knew the crucifixion was coming. That would be like me saying natural child birth was not painful because I knew I was getting a baby.
(I have no clue why I did it totally natural six times.)
Jesus was fully God and fully man. The pain He endured was excruciating.

May we put our Easter eggs aside today and look to what Jesus did for us.
Remember the crown of thorns and the hateful scorn.
Hear the pounding of the hammer, see the spear pieced side.
Listen as He confidently says: "It is finished."
The sacrifice which was made for so many...His purpose completed on the cross...and now the wait for the end of the prophesied story

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