Who ya gonna call?

August 4

When gloom and doom try to wiggle their way into your life, like our bulldog Moses wiggles his way onto a couch between two people, who ya gonna call to rescue you? Not ghost busters, but a the Holy Ghost who can blow gloom right out of your brain.

Many of you know I'd been praying for a clear cancer scan for my girlfriend, but that was not the result yesterday. I struggled to regain my footing as disappointment caused my faith to be a bit unsteady. My heart was spinning with quotes like..."What's the deal God? We've prayed with gusto and believed big."
This poem was placed before me in Streams in the Desert before my head hit the pillow last night. Based on Be men of courage, be strong. 1 Cor. 16:13
Be strong!
We are not here to play, to dream, to drift;
We have hard work to do, and loads to lift.
Shun not the struggle; face it. It's God's gift. Be strong!

Say not the days are evil-Who's to blame?
Or fold your hands, as in defeat-O shame!
Stand up, speak out, and bravely, In God's name, Be strong!
It matters not how deep entrenched the wrong,
How hard the battle goes, the day how long,
Faint not, fight on! Tomorrow comes the song.

By Maltbie D. Babcock

Psalms Now #112
"What about those people who trust in God
and are committed to His will and purposes?

They are people who are rich indeed. Even amid the circumstances of poverty,
the wealth and blessings of god are within their reach.
They are people with purpose and meaning in their lives.
Even amid the disorder and void of this temporal existence, they are aware
of God's concern and love for them.
They are people who walk unafraid. The threats of violence or prophecies of doom do not detract from their validity nor alter their course.
They are people who relate to those around them. They identify with others
in their sorrows and complaints and share with them their lives and gifts.
They are people who are truly happy and through whom God works
His purposes in this world today."

Oh, Lord, make us a people like those described in Psalm 112. May You be a proud parent who looks down and says..."That is my child with whom I am well pleased." In Jesus' name we come again asking. Amen

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