2019 Something New

January 1
"The Lord said: 'Forget what happened long ago!  Don't think about the past. I am creating something new. There it is!  Do you see it? I have put roads in deserts, streams in thirsty lands.'" 
Isaiah 43:16, 18-19

There is something so "hope filled" about a new year.  God is doing something new every second!

"Anyone who belongs to Christ is a new person.  The past is forgotten, and everything is new."
2 Corinthians 5:17

I've been praying about what Boojoyful would look like in 2019. I know it will involve photos!
Early this morning while praying before the sun rose the phrase "It makes sense" came to mind.  My response was, "But Your Word doesn't always make sense to us humans."

Just then our daughter came in the room to see if I'd give her baby his morning bottle.  As I watched him devour that milk with a smile on his face 1 Peter 2:1-3 came to mind and made total SENSE!

"Stop being hateful!  Quit trying to fool people, and start being sincere. Don't be jealous or say cruel things about others.  Be like newborn babies who are thirsty for the pure spiritual milk that will help you grow and be saved.  You have already found out how good the Lord really is." 

So here's my prayer today.

Lord, may we trust that You are in total control of our lives.  Your ways make sense to You and that should be sufficient for us.  You are molding us to be a heavenly fit.  I thank You for how you have led us to Peter's words today.  In 2019 may we stop being hateful!  May we quit trying to fool people, remembering we can't fool You and become more sincere souls that bring You Glory.  Like newborn babies may we thirst for your Word and grow in our love and knowledge of You.  May so many we love, who don't know you crave Your Word and be saved!  You are a good, good Father!  We love You.  We come to You in the precious name of Jesus' who is our mediator making You constantly accessible to us! Amen!

(Praying this makes some sort of sense, there is chaos all around me! LOL)

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