It Makes Sense to Seek Shelter

Sleeping with Mama Boo

January 12-13
The grands love to sleep in our room and usually sleep on cushions on the floor, but this four year old above from Utah had other plans. She sought shelter in her Mama Boo and Papa's bed. My sweet husband said he finally gave up and went to the couch, as the other bedrooms were full of big people.

Who do you know needing to be sheltered from all life is dishing out right now?
Where is your comfort zone?

David, a man after God's heart, knew exactly where his was.  In God's love!

"Your love is a treasure, and everyone finds shelter in the shadow of your wings."  Psalm 36:7

Father, we praise Your name and remember You are our Rock, our Shelter, our Redeemer. As another snow storm blows in we ask for Your protection from the storm for those in its path.  As we watch the  ground be blanketed with snow may we pause and gave thanks for the covering Christ's blood provides for our sins.  In His name we pray, Amen.

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