It Makes Sense to Follow Jesus

Following clues through the woods.

January 17
It makes sense to follow Jesus? Another hardly sensible statement to the world.
Why did those first disciples leave everyone and everything to follow a guy they hardly knew?

Matthew left everything behind..."he got up and began to follow him." Luke 5:27-28

What is God calling you to in 2019 that you are apprehensive or even fearful of?
Do you need to hear Jesus say, "Do not be afraid."

I read an insightful article by an unnamed She Reads Truth author, which brought up the possibly that the disciples' faith wasn't the point of the Luke 5 story, but more so Jesus' belief and faith in the disciples.  Maybe Jesus saw something in them that they didn't see in themselves.

The author wrote "Maybe when my faith feels weak, I do not need to muster more.  Maybe it's enough to remember I was called. Sometimes faith precedes the step. Sometimes it comes after...They follow Him-not because they are pious or perfect, but because Jesus is worth following. All they know at this point is they want to be near Him. So do I. Let's surrender out hearts and our heads to Christ"

Lord, where You lead find us bold, courageous and obedient to follow.  In Jesus' name, Amen

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