It Makes Sense to Release Everything to God

January 7
Teachable moments are all around us and that often happens to me when I'm gardening or working with my plants.  As I was transferring this orchid to a larger container its roots sprung forth. It was as if they couldn't wait to be released.

The lesson began.  What is it that I'm holding in or onto and not releasing to the Lord?

My quiet time ended with me praying for our daughter-in-law to be released from the hospital, from this dreadful infection and from any fears Satan has been speaking over her the past few weeks. That prayer was answered the very next morning. We rejoice that she was able to go home Saturday and abide there as the doctors continue to seek answers for her healing.

When we position ourselves in a quiet place we will hear from the Lord and learn amazing lessons.

"Lord, taking with You doubles my joy and halves, my sorrow."  Author Unknown

"All wisdom comes from the Lord, and so do common sense and understanding."  Proverbs 2:6

Let's post that somewhere in our homes as a reminder to seek, seek, seek Him.

Father God, thank You for loving us enough to speak to us.  You are above all things, yet you care for every detail of our lives.  We come to You with surrendered hearts and surrendered minds ready to be released from anything holding us back from being all You have created us to be.  Thank You for doubling my joy and halving my sorrow today. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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