It Makes Sense-To Remember Our Birth and Deliveries

January 31
Praying recently, the word birth was the word for the day. I pondered, "Are you about to birth something new in our lives Lord, besides grand babies?  Is there a new ministry You are about to unfold.

Typing birth into Biblegateway 100 verses came up.  Psalm 22:9-10 really made me stop and praise the Lord for magnificent life deliveries I rarely reflect upon.

"You Lord, brought me safely through birth, and you protected me when I was a baby at my mother's breast. From the day I was born, I have been in your care, and from the time of my birth, you have been my God."

Let's take time today to reflect upon the miracle of birth and how God brought us through that process.  There are very few of us reading this devotional who have ever gone hungry, another amazing deliverance.  Now think back upon the years you have been here on earth and remember all the other encounters with depression, fear, loneliness, illness, accidents, the wrong people and in the wrong places, and how God has delivered you through those times.  He is steadfast.

God, It is good to remember you are our Deliverer.  We give thanks and praise Your name, forever.
In Jesus' name, Amen.

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