Attend to Your Herds

Another gathering with part of our herd.

My goal was to finish the Proverbs study by the end of July, but that didn't happen.  Last week I was going to sit down and try to knock out a few more days, but the Spirit kept taking me back to Proverbs 27 and verses 23-24.

Be diligent to know the state of your flocks, and attend to your herds; for riches are not forever, nor does a crown endure to all generations.

The last paragraph in the prayer in Proverbs Prayers related to these verses says, "...I choose to be diligent with everything that I'm responsible for and to watch every interest closely. Do I have some 'blind spots' regarding my interests and responsibilities, Lord? Help me to be diligent with what I have right now because neither riches nor positions inherited from generations past last forever." In Jesus' name, Amen

Let's look to our Shepherd and ask...

Lord, who do You consider to be my flock/herd?  

Children, grandchildren, students in your classroom who spend more time with you than with their parents, a Sunday school class, Bible study group, or your church family?

What is their spiritual state? 

How have I been attending to them?  

Am I diligent to invest in these lives knowing I will not be here forever?

Whatever our responses we can turn to the One who equips us as we attend to others.

The Song

Legacy- Nicole Nordeman

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