
The First5 study on Proverbs in week 6 reminds us that proverbs are not laws to be kept legalistically. The writer reflects - "Our heavenly Father cares about the unique situations, opportunities, and relationships in our lives, and instead of just telling us exactly what to do in every circumstance, He teaches us who to be as we live out His purposes for us."

God chooses to give us freedom in the choices we make.  More than once in my life I've thought, "Why did He do this?"  Then I remember God desires our love, a sincere love that comes from our heart. A love that is our choice is a sincere love.

Like the song says below, we have seen God pour his sincere love out on us a thousand times.  It's easy to love that kind of God!

Here is the First5 prayer.

"Father, God, thank You for empowering us by Your Spirit to make Christlike choices that bless us and others in whatever situations we face. We praise You for the freedom we have in You, and we pray, in the words of Galatians 5:13, that we would not use our freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve on another and glorify You in every circumstance and relationship in our lives.  In Jesus' name, Amen

You are His delight, and He paid everything in order to be close to you again. God desires to be close to you. He wants you to be whole, fulfilled, loved, guiltless.1 Timothy 2:4

The Song

"A Thousand Times" by We Are Messengers

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