
Our 15 year old grandson has trained with his football team all summer.

He touched a lot of guys in their first scrimmage making sacks, tackles, a touch down and an interception! Then in his opening game Friday night, while starting at OLB, he got his first PICK 6! He touched and held onto that ball while running 60 yards for the TD. He is also long snapping carrying out the tradition of his father and grandfather!

Another grandson curled up in our bed one night and said, "Mama Boo will you rub my feet and scratch my back?"  That led to a discussion on how amazing God was with the creation of touch. We talked about all the various textures our fingers and cold, smooth and rough, soft and sharp, sticky and itchy and how each person has an individual finger print.  

Getting out of a pool, into the chilly air, with yet another grandson recently we snuggled together sharing a beach towel. We talked about how when our bodies touch we warm up from one another's body heat. Then I was blessed to baby sit a little soft, snuggly, seven month old hot water bottle for two days. Only God could have created the uniqueness of touch.  

How often do we stop and stand in amazement at all God has created?

In the New Testament the laying on of hands is used as a blessing (as with Jesus and the little children) as a commissioning for those called to ministry and for healing. 

The Bible has some wonderful examples of the combo of faith and healing touch.

Jairus' daughter

Then came one of the rulers of the synagogue, Jairus by name, and seeing him (Jesus), he fell at his feet and implored him earnestly, saying, “My little daughter is at the point of death. Come and lay your hands on her, so that she may be made well and live.” And he went with him. Mark 5: 22-24

The woman with the blood issue for 12 years.

When she had reports about Jesus and she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his garment ...And he said to her, "Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed of your disease."                                                            Mark 5:27, 34

All the people. 

All the people wanted to touch Jesus. Power came from him and he healed them all. Luke 6:19 

Touch is powerful. It produces both a calming and encouraging effect on others.  After my mother passed away, friends offered to stop in and visit my daddy who was a widower for 13 years.  I'd always say, "Please give him a hug or hold his hand, he missed being touched so much."

Touch someone today! 

A Video 

Want to weep in joy a little bit today over the power of touch? Watch this clip from The Chosen.

The Song

"Touch the Hem" Trinity Anderson

Here is a powerful testimony from my Auburn, Alabama friend, Ashley McCrary. I've referenced her before to y'all concerning her fierce battle with Ocular Melanoma and her faith which sustains her and brings glory to God. I love her, wish she lived next door and am so excited to spend eternity with her in heaven.

Ashley's recent post on her journey references touch and I wanted to include this with today's devotional. Please stop and praise God for how far he has carried Ashley and for His continued grace to fall upon her and her entire family.

Follow her on Facebook and be blessed and encouraged.

Here is a story from 2018 on how this rare cancer has attacked numerous people in Auburn.

Ashley’s Post: 

(Another long post alert that I pray is read and shared because it can not be contained.)

Do you believe in miracles? What about prayer… do you believe it works? I am a living testimony to both and want to share some miraculous news I received yesterday. I write this with tears in my eyes… just completely overwhelmed. What does it feel like to have the God of the Universe be mindful of me? I am wrecked by it… humbled to the point I want to tell everyone. I feel like the woman who battled to be close to Jesus so she could touch the hem of his garment. She knew if she could just get close enough… and she did… she would be healed. And the power of healing went out from him and she was forever changed.

I have been on a clinical trial for over 3 years. Every 8 – 12 weeks I have scans to determine if the treatment is working. When scans are complete the sponsor of the trial will evaluate the scans to determine if the treatment is working. They look at 2-3 target lesions, take your baseline, factor in any shrinkage of tumors or growth of tumors and then come up with a “percentage of growth.” You get a verbal score of “decrease disease”, “progression”, or “stable.” If the numerical score is greater than 20 it is likely the drug is not working and the trial will discontinue. You can choose (and you can only choose this once) to sign a consent to treat beyond progression.

On my last scan my Resist score was 26. It was devastating. We signed a consent to treat beyond progression and prayed for a miracle. We prayed the number would decrease to 20 or below. I was NOT expecting the results we got yesterday. A matter of fact, we were prepared by our team that we would likely change our treatment starting next Wednesday. We have researched new treatment methods and new trials. We prepared our hearts and our children.

But the scores came back and had lowered from a Resist score of 26 to a Resist score of 6! You are reading that correctly S-I-X!

This is unheard of. It can happen, obviously, but at this point after being on this treatment for so long it is very unlikely a person would get this result.

It is miraculous.

I believe in the treatment I am receiving. I pray it will be available to more Ocular Melanoma patients in the future. I believe I have the best doctors I pray over them and the decisions being made over my care. In my case my doctor has put her neck out there for me. She has advocated on my behalf even making a power point presentation about me, the person… not just the “number”… and shared it with the sponsor of the trial. I have watched her celebrate the victories with me and grieve when it has not gone the way we wanted. I have also watched her grieve the loss of patient after patient after patient. Her heart wrecked because she cares so much. When you pray, pray for her (Marlana Orloff).

Dave and I have been in a season of learning to trust God in the midst of every aspect of our life. In the past year we have walked through progression of disease, job loss, moving my parents, challenges in the lives of our children, insurance debacles. We have earnestly sought the Lord and believe we would trust him whether he blesses or withholds.

…whether He blesses or withholds.

In some areas of our life we are still sitting in the “withholding.” We trust Him in all things. But in terms of my scans, today we are in a day of blessing and therefore we celebrate. I share this because I want people to be encouraged. I have maintained I want HIM to be glorified in the process and the outcome.

I share this because so many of you pray for me. And prayer works! Hundreds if not thousands pray for me. Some people have sought me out and have laid hands on me, prayed for me over the phone, prayed for me in my house…. In their house…, prayed for me in a restaurant or in the grocery store. Some light candles, some send texts and facebook messages. I have been overwhelmed by the prayers of people. One sweet friend found me in a parking lot, I was overwhelmed in tears and she battled in prayer on my behalf… hugging me through a car window.  God sees you, He heard your cry on my behalf. He holds me in His righteous right hand daily.  I am encouraged and comforted by this. You were and are the hands and feet of Christ to me.

Today I read the following in Psalm 67:1-2 and I wanted to share it so that He would be known on the earth… His saving power among the nations! “May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that His way may be known on the earth, His saving power among the nations. Let the people praise you, O God. Let the people praise you.”

Thank you for reading my story, if I could physically shout it from the mountain tops I would. When I have been holding on by a thread… at least it has been the thread of HIS garment. I praise Him today and always.

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