For A Piece of Bread and Attitudes of Entitlement

I love the heart of this father and grandfather.

Studying Proverbs 28 in the Proverbs 31 study I read...

"Breaking God's laws is connected to ignorance: Evil men do not understand justice.  Proverbs 28:5  Whereas wisdom leads to thoughtful decision-making based on God's Truth, disobedience dulls and distorts our minds such that                                     

...for a piece of bread a man will do wrong.    Proverbs 28:21"

Sounds crazy, but think of Adam and Eve and the forbidden fruit.  Esau giving his birthright to Jacob because he was hungry. Addicts who steal from their own family members. Adulterers who risk losing their family for the lure of another and what they think will be sexual satisfaction.

Lord, where are we being led astray? What easily distorts our minds leading to disobedience? 

The piece of bread phrase led me to pray against attitudes of entitlement that I see as prevalent particularly in the work place. I want (deserve) a piece of the pie.  In reality what we deserve is death for our sinfulness. Whew! We say "Hallelujah" for the heart of our Father, who has made a way out.

Here's a personal aside as far as attitudes of entitlement. This was a show stopper for me. I was sitting on our patio doing Bible Study.  I could hear boat motors, laughter and splashing throughout the cove. Standing to move to a shady spot I was shocked to find part of the noise was coming from our dock. A young couple was having a good ole time on our dock. I called down, "May I help you?" They looked at me like, "What is your problem? Why are you bothering us?" When I lifted my phone to take a picture, the guy said laughingly, "Oh look, she has her phone." They nonchalantly  jumped in the lake and swam away to the dock of a nearby condo. In a lifetime on this lake I've never seen someone swim up to our property and decide to enjoy the dock for the day.

I told some friends I was too shocked to tell them about Jesus. A missed opportunity.

The Song

"Heart of the Father" Ryan Ellis

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