It Stirs My Heart
Well, I'm not certain if it was my heart or my stomach stirring as I read an article about Chick Fil A bringing back their honey pepper pimento chicken sandwich and a banana pudding milkshake. w00T this southern girl was wishing she could partake of both! Here's the article.
God's Word is dairy and calorie free and never disappoints. His Word and His creation stir my heart in unexpected ways. Yes, even better than the last kiss in a Hallmark Movie. He never leaves me discontent, only longing for more time to devour the love, comfort and wisdom He provides.
Even right now as I type, I look out our bedroom window into our yard and I see eight different types of trees. I know in less than three months they will all be bare, but God will bring forth leaves again in the spring. He makes all things new in his time.
There will be a New Jerusalem, which comes down from heaven and will be dazzling in every way and lit by the glory of God. (Revelation 21)
The Song
“God Be the Glory” We Are Messengers