Proverbs 29

Proverbs 29 packs a punch with wisdom for such a time as this. 

As the back to school dates draw nearer I find myself in daily prayer for our grandchildren in their school settings. Prayers for our children to have wisdom to know what is going on in said schools, and for numerous church members who coach and teach in the public school setting which gets more stressful with new guidelines being enforced each year.

While children are in school the majority of their waking hours, parents have a God given responsibility to set the expectations for obedient behavior and integrity of character.

Correct your children, and they will be wise; children out of control disgrace their mothers. Verse 15

If you correct your children, they will bring you peace and happiness. Verse 17

With the election only three months away, we have a responsibility to be praying for God to place the new leadership in position that will honor him and direct our nation to turn back to God.

When justice rules a nation, everyone is glad; when injustice rules, everyone groans. Verse 2

An honest ruler makes the nation strong; a ruler who takes bribes will bring it to ruin. Verse 4

Sneering at others is a spark that sets a city on fire; using good sense can put out the flames of anger. Verse 8

Let's pray these words from Proverbs Prayers:  (To come...)

The Song

“Trust In God” Elevation Worship

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