What Are You? What Do You Know?

October 28

Dogging the storms yesterday, I went out on our deck to enjoy the beautiful fall weather. Placing a cushion in a chair, an interesting insect stared up at me. I questioned, "Are you a spider, a cricket, or an off shoot of a stink bug (being the same grayish color)? My mind drifted back to my daughter's middle school days when she shared about asking a classmate if she was a Christian and the girl replied, "No, I am an Episcopalian."

If asked today, "Who are you?" How would you reply? Are you able to say, "I am a child of the King and a sinner saved by grace."

Chatting with my daughter yesterday, I inquired...."What do you know?"

When it comes to the things of God Psalm 139:6 says:
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain it.

While God may not answer all our inquires and let us know it all, the contemplative process with God leads us to a realization of how marvelous and magnanimous God is. Walking into our woods the other night it seemed as if the brilliance of color and the vastness of the forest would lead right to heaven. I stood, with hands lifted high, rejoicing in His goodness and sensing a depth of His love I hadn't known the day before. The more we get away with the Lord, the more we love Him and experience the knowledge of a love from Him that is like no other.

So today we can say, I am a child of the living, loving Lord and I know there is no greater claim to fame!

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