
October 11-12

Romans 7:15 says...I do not understand what I do.
For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.

That is the way I've felt the past two days. Sunday our son was married here at Shiloh and my husband performed the ceremony. My desire had been to get up early, go off and be with the Lord in a quiet place and then have the opportunity to be alone in quiet prayer with my son. The day was fabulous, but didn't unfold quite that way. Yesterday, we still had a houseful to get up and out and a friend who was willing to stay and help me begin to put this property back together, but I never wrote the devotional or even put on praise music. Today I want to fulfill John 4:24...God is spirit and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.
The Lord has provided probably the last upper 80's day of weather for the season and I am sneaking off with Jesus to enjoy a time of intimate fellowship.
Hmm, that is hopefully what my son and his new bride are doing. Had I been faithful to the discipline of my quiet times I would have been able to share from Quiet Times with God an excellent devotional by John Lloyd Ogilvie which was perfect for a wedding day. Our son's gaze upon his bride has to be the closest thing on earth to the way Christ looks upon us. (I will try to get some pictures up soon.) Enjoy this devotional.

Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Hebrews 12:2
"Blessed, living Lord Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith, the best days are those days in which I focus my attention on You. Today I renew my dedication to keeping my eyes on You as the only lasting source of security and strength. No human being is meant to give the ultimate meaning to life; no material possession or achievement is capable of giving me profound inner peace.
So I look to You, Alpha and Omega, the way, the truth, and the life who gives me direction, revelation, and abundant life. You are the light who dispels darkness, the bright and morning star of the dawn of a new day and thousands of second chances, the Bread of Life to feed my spiritual hungers the door to safety in a dangerous world, the true vine in whom I abide with fruitfulness as a branch, and the resurrection and the life who has defeated death and makes this another day of heaven already begun.
I love You, Lord Jesus, You are my Master and I am Your disciple, You are my Savior and I am Your forgiven follower. You are my Lord and I am Your servant. Life is great because it is filled with great opportunities to love You by caring for people. Author of my faith, write this page of my life today as You see best; finisher of my faith, I will never finish praising You."

Find time today to gaze upon Jesus!

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