Last Words

March 24-25
Reading on Day 244 in Solo, The Message God's word came alive and had me fired up all day.
Jesus was preparing his disciples for his departure and they had questions. Jesus said, "You don't get to know the time. Timing is the Father's business."
Over and over, I've repeated that comment to myself....stop trying to figure things out...timing is the Father's business.
He continued, "What you get is the Holy will then be my the ends of the earth. These were his LAST WORDS." From Acts 1:1-11

Of all the things we could be in life...witnesses for Christ should be our top goal.

Now the "Last Word" phrase is one I will be playing out for quite some time (unless He calls me home today). I'm sure I've shared with you about my friend who was singing in the church choir when her Daddy, the minister, died in the pulpit. She ran to his side and he said to those kneeling around him, "Go quickly and tell, I see Jesus." Those are pretty powerful last words. Having had several near misses while automobile traveling, I've thought about if I were in an accident and someone came to the car, what would be the last things I would say. Up to now, my thought has been..."Tell my husband and children I will love them always." While very true, that is so earthly centered. "Tell others Jesus loves them and has prepared a home for them," might pack the more powerful punch. "Hallelujah, He's so for real!"

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