Wherever You Go

Missing these two who live in Louisiana.
The artist and the author.

March 9-10

A friend shared that her husband had stopped eating and drinking and now hospice was making him comfortable.  I drove to the memory care facility where he has been living and entered his room where he lay alone waiting for Jesus.

Although he never opened his eyes, as I prayed over this precious man, who is loved by God, he kept lifting his hand and I know he heard me.  I spoke of Jesus' love for him and the hope of heaven. I also spoke of the love so many of us have for his wife and promised we would take care of her and walk alongside her while she remains here on earth.

Shortly after I left the wife called me to say she was running late and was sorry she missed me. Then she burst into tears.  Profusely, she began to apologize for her tears.  I reminded her God created our tears with a purpose, so to let them flow right out.

Opening up Biblegateway's verse of the day Joshua 1:9 provided such comfort to pray over someone awaiting death.

"I've commanded you to be strong and brave.  Don't even be afraid or discouraged! I am the Lord your God, and I will be there to help you wherever you go."

Two more failing health related visits were on my agenda that day.  Sadness was creeping up into my throat and my own tears wanted to pour forth.  I don't know how pastors do it, but now that I am living with one I will learn first hand.

God blessed me with a musical time out.

Home by Chris Tomlin

Grace Got You by Mercy Me

Where I Belong by Building 429

Hills and Valleys by Tauren Wells

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